Nabil Khebbazi
We have known each other (Nabil and I) in Bazbina ever since we were kids. He was always a staunch supporter and participator in all the activities in the village. Earned a law degree from the Lebanese University and stepped up in several government positions to be at present the "Kaem Makam" of B'sharri District in North Lebanon. Kaem Makam is the official name of the Government representative in a particular district in Lebanon.
Part of Nabil's family, the Khebbazi, immigrated to the Dominican Republic at the beginning of the twentieth century. In Arabic, Khebbazi means the lady who bakes bread. Consequently and for easiness, the family name was turned in the Dominican Republic to "Pany-Aqua" by which the family is now known there. Beside his official work, Nabil engaged himself constantly in various social and environmental activities in which he excelled and drew respect from all.
In 1986, he started writing a series of short stories reflecting images from every day's life. Two of his books are now published.
In the following pages you will find a brief of his life, activities and some of his old and recent pictures. Also, four short stories that he picked-up purposely to be displayed on this web site.....Manuel Hazim.